Monthly Archives: November 2020

The Great Ammo Shortage of the 2020’s

An ammo shortage is being witnessed nationwide as Americans react to civil unrest by buying up firearms and the ammunition needed to defend themselves their property and their liberty.

Below I will attempt to explore the various factors causing and even increasing the shortage. In addition I will also explain why I believe this shortage will last for the foreseeable future and may even worsen.

Primer Shortage:

As with previous surges in ammunition sales, primers are the current weak link in the supply chain. After speaking with several of our suppliers I learned that the lack of primer supply is the primary item that is preventing ammunition makers from increasing production and attempting to meet the unprecedented demand.

We have seen shortages before. When the semi-auto ban was passed in 1994, there was a shortage. In 2008, when Barack Obama was elected president and again in 2012 through 2013 during the aftermath of the tragic Sandy Hook School shooting. All previous shortages were caused by increased demand only, there were no supply chain disruptions enhancing to problem. According to various sources, manufacturers are confirming that we are in the midst of the greatest primer shortage in the history of the world.

Bullets are relatively simple to produce. Brass cases can be reused and powder is still plentiful. Hence, primer production is the bottleneck in the ammunition production process. Though there are dozens of major and minor ammunition manufacturers in the U.S., only four domestic manufacturers produce primers: Federal, CCI, Remington and Winchester. Those four firms feed the entire primer supply including ammunition sold to the military and law enforcement. Federal, CCI & Remington are all owned by Vista Outdoors, so effectively primer production in the United States is controlled by two companies (More on this later). Billions of primers are produced every year by these companies in the US.

Internationally, primers are manufactured by four additional firms in different parts of the world. Armscor in the Philippines, Sellier & Bellot in the Czech Republic, Fiocchi in Italy and JSC in Russia. As you can imagine there is an increased demand for ammunition in most of the world so these international companies have little interest in shipping their limited supply to the United States.

Record First Time Gun Buyers:

Remember, the shortage in ammunition comes as background checks for gun sales were at record-setting levels for eight straight months. In other words, a record for monthly background checks was set every month January 2020 through August 2020. The surge in gun sales is having a corresponding effect on ammunition. NSSF estimates there are nearly 5 million first-time gun buyers in 2020. That also means there are 5 million new ammunition buyers who are learning to use their firearms. There are 5 million new people who do not have a supply of ammo at home. There are 5 million new people looking for ranges for safe, recreational shooting. There are 5 million new gun owners filling up classes at their local ranges for instruction.

This year, gun sales rose 165 percent year-over year as of June , totaling around 2 million plus purchases per month, according to an August Report from Small Arms Analytics and Forecasting. The report estimated that “the market for the first seven months of 2020 now has nearly matched that of the entire year of 2019.” A similar report from the Brookings Institute found that 19 million firearms were purchased in the first half of 2020. Brookings pointed out that this figure can be translated to one firearm for every 20 Americans. Both reports used data from the FBI’s Criminal Background check system.

Political Unrest:

While the media often frames gun ownership as a conservative issue driven by paranoia, the language from Democrats and progressive outlets this year has helped to blur any line that exists between paranoia and preparation.

Earlier this year, Odyssey published a piece fantasizing about the possibility of an “armed revolution” made possible by conservatives and liberals “unit[ing] under the cause that this fascist must be stopped.

“For this to happen, the President would need to do something drastic that only a miniscule minority of citizens would approve of (ethnic cleansing, nuclear war, etc). This regime would need to face large-scale opposition from the citizens, select members of the government, and most importantly, the military,” read the piece.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry recently made comments suggesting that a  “revolution” of sorts is imminent.

“If people don’t have adequate access to the ballot, I mean that’s the stuff on which revolutions are built,” Kerry said. “If you begin to deny people the capacity of your democracy to work, even the Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, we have an inherent right to challenge that. And I’m worried that increasingly, people are disaffected.”

In March, New York Post reported that Democratic Congressman Tom Souzzi (D-NY) hinted at an armed rebellion against the President, specifically citing the 2nd Amendment:

“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi said in a newly released video of the March 12 talk in Huntington. “This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?”

A listener then blurts out, “What’s the Second Amendment?”

The left-leaning Democrat says, “The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms.”

In July Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) seemed to suggest a military coup against the President, tweeting “Where are our military folks ? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!”

Perhaps one of the most relevant voices on the topic, notorious Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers claims the civil war has already begun. “Am I the only one, or do you feel eerily that we’re living in Kansas, 1859, and that tensions are boiling over, but only years later will people say, ‘Yes, the Civil War began there and then?,” said Ayers

Ayers took part in the Weather Underground Bombings of the early 1970’s targeting the New York City Police Department headquarters, the U.S. Capitol building, and the Pentagon.

Federal Government Purchasing:

There have been numerous Internet blogs and emails describing how various agencies in the federal government are purchasing large quantities of ammunition. These rumors and half-truths surrounding these stories are largely exaggerated and mostly untrue. During the Obama administration the federal government purchased billions of rounds of ammunition and stockpiled it. The federal government is still ordering millions of rounds of ammunition per year but they are not purchasing any more than their normal amounts. The difference is that nearly all the ammunition manufacturers (some by law, others voluntarily) fill the government and law enforcement orders first, before any civilian orders. During a global shortage this adds to the overall supply shortage.

Production Limitations:

Most ammunition manufactures normally run production at near 80 percent of operational capacity under normal circumstances. One problem is the difference in elasticity (responsiveness to price changes) between supply and demand. Compared to firearm demand, the supply side of the industry is considerably inelastic. This means that the supply does not respond dramatically to either increases or decreases in demand, impacting the price people are willing to pay,  but remains relatively consistent.  Manufacturers max out production increases at around 20-30 percent above normal production compared to the current consumer demand that has increased nearly 300 percent.

The component suppliers can’t expand more than 20-30 percent before they max out their material suppliers and even the physical limitations of the production lines. Nearly all the supply chains are simply maxed out.

Increased Profit Margin:

It is important to understand that ammunition pricing is not set by what the ammunition costs to produce, rather it’s determined by what the next batch is going to cost to produce. The profit margin is a set percentage that will typically remain constant as long as production costs remain constant (Even though most companies have increased their margin by 10-20 percent recently). The most important factor in production is labor costs, which are similarly constant unless demand increases or decreases and affects long-term projections. As you can imagine during these unprecedented times costs are fluctuating dramatically.

It is important to understand that ammunition pricing is not set by what the ammunition costs to produce, rather it’s determined by what the next batch is going to cost to produce. The profit margin is a set percentage that’s typically going to remain constant as long as production costs remain constant. An important factor in production are labor costs, which are similarly constant unless demand increases or decreases and affects long-term projections. As you can imagine during this unprecedented event, costs are fluctuating dramatically.

Due to factors beyond the control of the ammunition companies, the cost of components and raw materials has more than doubled this year. Labor costs are up 30-70 percent due to overtime cost, employee shortages, increase minimum wages and government mandated sick leave pay.

Even though the manufactures have not increased their profit margins by more than 10 percent the manufacturing cost has nearly tripled this year effectively increasing their profits by 40 percent. Because of this increase in profit the manufactures have little if any real motivation to solve the ammunition shortage in the US. If they were to suddenly meet the current demand with increased production their profits would be cut by half and they would need to manufacture nearly double the amount of ammunition for the same total gross profit.

Reduced Imports:

It’s also worthwhile to consider how Covid-19 is affecting the smaller small arms and ammunition providers abroad that we generally rely on for imports . Turkey, home to the manufacture of much of the imported shotguns and handguns has been getting frisky with Syria. Even if Turkey’s munitions factories could bear some of the production output in support of their American clients, the shipping ports are generally closed due to covid. The same applies to our allies in the Czech Republic. The Czechs could be sitting on mountains of propellant powder, but there is no way to get it to us. Russian-sourced ammo and components are also affected by both politically based import restrictions and Covid-19 closures as is Chinese imports.

In a best-case scenario, it takes more than 20 days for a shipping container to arrive to the U.S. from any of those locations. If cargo has to arrive on the west coast, shipping can take more than 30 days. Plus, a typical minimum of 10 days is required to embark and disembark on each side of the trip, them we have to clear customs. So, once the ports reopen, a realistic time frame to see supply reach the US is four months — just to get the ammo to U.S. distributors. And that’s if those foreign manufacturing continue to manufacture their product and have them crated, bonded and stocked. According to Fiocchi, that that’s not likely. So figure another 40-60 days to return to manufacturing again if they have the raw components such as primers and brass, which they may not because closed ports affect them obtaining raw materials as well.

Forced Closures:

back in March various state governments engaged in a somewhat arbitrary practice of designating some gun and ammunition manufacturers to be “essential” while refusing to allow others to remain open. This coupled with increased demand and other various factors started the inversible downward spiral that has lead us to the current situation.

Fiocchi as well as numerous other manufactures were shut down for commercial business and operating with minimal staffing allowed for their military customers only. Some of these companies were closed for more than 30 days.

There are other, not so front page COVID-19 restrictions that affect the supply lines for raw materials and components. Raw materials like lead, copper, and brass for projectiles, primers, and casings is one piece, and the other is gunpowder itself. The forced closures of mines, shipping, production plants, processing facilities and packaging plants are all contributing to the overall supply chain disruptions.

Panic Buying:

Demand is also driven by the same psychological factors that caused the toilet paper shortage: hoarding. According to recent research (Sheu & Kuo, 2020) “hoarding stems from a human’s response, either rationally or emotionally, to scarcity, and so may occur on either the supply or the demand side. As argued by [other researchers], hoarding can be an overall response that involves a mix of a strategic, rational and emotional human responses (such as anxiety, panic and fear) to perceived threats to supply.” That’s a smart person way of saying that when people think we’re going to run out of ammo, they buy as much as they can and sit on it, which contributes to the scarcity by artificially inflating demand.

Return To Normal?

Most industry experts estimate that we won’t see a return to normal inventory levels for at least 12 months, even when assuming a Republican presidential victory in the 2020 race. Normal inventory is defined as being able to buy as much as ammo as you want and can afford from the internet or your local retailer. Worse yet, prices may not return to pre-COVID levels for a minimum of 12 months after that. The long term disruption to the supply chain tends to result in increased costs for manufacturers which will get passed on to the consumer until we see a full economic and political recovery. Unless one of the factors causing massive demand suddenly changes or disappears, we can expect to see increased prices and rationing for some time to come and we face the real possibility that there will not be a return to “normal”.

Is it acceptable for Christians to pierce their bodies or get tattoos?

The Bible says in Leviticus 19:28 “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD..” This passage clearly tells us that God does not want us to be marking up our bodies with different kinds of graphics or tattoos. (Some would argue that this was just an old testament law that no longer applies, but we must remember that there are many important principles that we find only in the book of Leviticus that certainly still apply, such as laws against bestiality and the selling of a child for prostitution) One major principle here is that God desires for His people to be different than the rest of the world, both on the inside and out.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” The Lord designed our body to be a temple and a dwelling place for His Spirit. In the same way that Solomon’s temple was free from graffiti, we should not defile our body since it is also God’s holy temple. If Paul instructs us to glorify God in our bodies, then their certainly must be a way to dishonor God with our body, so to say that we can do whatever we want them is not Biblical.

Throughout history and in the Bible, tattoos have been related to pagan practices and immoral living. As Christians, we are to be set apart as holy vessels for God (1 Peter 1:14-19) and to turn away from things that link us to this world which is passing away. Remember 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” Can you prove having a tattoo is “Good”? Also remember 1 Thessalonians 5:22 tells us to “Abstain from all appearances of evil.” We’re not supposed to be like the rest of the pagan world and live the way everyone else does: “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saieth the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you,” (1 Corinthians 6:17) “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” (Colossians 3:17) All of our actions are to represent Jesus Christ and I really cannot picture the Savior with snakes or butterflies tattooed across His forearms.

What if someone has made the mistake of getting a tattoo? Have they gone too far? Absolutely not: 1 John 1:9 assures us that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” This does not mean we should go get a tattoo just because we can get forgiveness later. The key principle here seems to be that our bodies belong to God, not ourselves, and that we are to use them in ways that honor and reflect God’s glory.

Now let’s use deduction to arrive at a conclusion. Based upon these facts (the Old Testament commands against tattoos and piercings AND the New Testament principle that my body is not my own) I would reason that God would rather you leave your body free from self-inflicted marks and cuts. Our bodies are a good gift from God – complete as is. As one Jewish rabbi put it, “No matter how well considered, a tattoo is the result of a short-term decision to decorate the body forever. What hubris to imagine that any of us, as individuals, can improve artistically on the original design of the Lord.” We were made in “the image of God.” Apparently He thinks no further pictorial adornment is needed.

The Truth About MLK

The Real Martin Luther King Jr:

Every January, the media go into a kind of almost spastic frenzy of adulation for the so-called “Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.” King has even had a national holiday declared in his honor, an honor accorded to no other American, not Washington, not Jefferson, not Lincoln. (Washington and Lincoln no longer have holidays — they share the generic-sounding “President’s Day.”) A liberal judge has sealed the FBI files on King until the year 2027. What are they hiding? Let’s take a look at this modern-day plastic god.

Born in 1929, King was the son of a Black preacher known at the time only as “Daddy King.” “Daddy King” named his son Michael. In 1935, “Daddy King” had an inspiration to name himself after the Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He declared to his congregation that henceforth they were to refer to him as “Martin Luther King” and to his son as “Martin Luther King, Jr.” None of this name changing was ever legalized in court. “Daddy” King’s son’s real name is to this day Michael King.

King’s Brazen Cheating:

We read in Michael Hoffman’s “Holiday for a Cheater “, The first public sermon that King ever gave, in 1947 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, was plagiarized from a homily by Protestant clergyman Harry Emerson Fosdick entitled “Life is What You Make It,” according to the testimony of King’s best friend of that time, Reverend Larry H. Williams.

The first book that King wrote, “Stride Toward Freedom, – -was plagiarized from numerous sources, all unattributed, according to documentation recently assembled by sympathetic King scholars Keith D. Miller, Ira G. Zepp, Jr., and David J. Garrow and no less an authoritative source than the four senior editors of “The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.- – (an official publication of the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., whose staff includes King’s widow Coretta), stated of King’s writings at both Boston University and Crozer Theological Seminary: “Judged retroactively by the standards of academic scholarship, [his writings] are tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism…. Appropriated passages are particularly evident in his writings in his major field of graduate study, systematic theology.”

King’s essay, “The Place of Reason and Experience in Finding God,” written at Crozer, pirated passages from the work of theologian Edgar S. Brightman, author of “The Finding of God.”

Another of King’s theses, “Contemporary Continental Theology,” written shortly after he entered Boston University, was largely stolen from a book by Walter Marshall Horton.

King’s doctoral dissertation, “A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Harry Nelson Wieman,” for which he was awarded a PhD in theology, contains more than fifty complete sentences plagiarized from the PhD dissertation of Dr. Jack Boozer, “The Place of Reason in Paul Tillich’s Concept of God.”

According to “The Martin Luther King Papers”, in King’s dissertation “only 49 per cent of sentences in the section on Tillich contain five or more words that were King’s own….”!

In “The Journal of American History”, June 1991, page 87, David J. Garrow, a leftist academic who is sympathetic to King, says that King’s wife, Coretta Scott King, who also served as his secretary, was an accomplice in his repeated cheating. (“King’s Plagiarism: Imitation, Insecurity and Transformation,” The Journal of American History, June 1991, p. 87)

Reading Garrow’s article, one is led to the inescapable conclusion that King cheated because he had chosen for himself a political role in which a PhD would be useful, and, lacking the intellectual ability to obtain the title fairly, went after it by any means necessary. Why, then, one might ask, did the professors at Crozer Theological Seminary and Boston University grant him passing grades and a PhD? Garrow states on page 89: “King’s academic compositions, especially at Boston University, were almost without exception little more than summary descriptions… and comparisons of other’s writings.

Nonetheless, the papers almost always received desirable letter grades, strongly suggesting that King’s professors did not expect more….” The editors of “The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers” state that “…the failure of King’s teachers to notice his pattern of textual appropriation is somewhat remarkable….” But researcher Michael Hoffman tells us “…actually the malfeasance of the professors is not at all remarkable. King was politically correct, he was Black, and he had ambitions. The leftist [professors were] happy to award a doctorate to such a candidate no matter how much fraud was involved. Nor is it any wonder that it has taken forty years for the truth about King’s record of nearly constant intellectual piracy to be made public.” Supposed scholars, who in reality shared King’s vision of a racially mixed and Marxist America, purposely covered up his cheating for decades. The cover-up still continues. From the “New York Times ” of October 11, 1991, page 15, we learn that on October 10th of that year, a committee of researchers at Boston University admitted that, “There is no question but that Dr. King plagiarized in the dissertation.” However, despite its finding, the committee said that “No thought should be given to the revocation of Dr. King’s doctoral degree,” an action the panel said “would serve no purpose.” No purpose, indeed! Justice demands that, in light of his willful fraud as a student, the “reverend” and the “doctor” should be removed from King’s name.

Communist Beliefs and Connections

Well friends, he is not a legitimate reverend, he is not a bona fide PhD, and his name isn’t really “Martin Luther King, Jr.” What’s left? Just a sexual degenerate, an America-hating Communist, and a criminal betrayer of even the interests of his own people.

On Labor Day, 1957, a special meeting was attended by Martin Luther King and four others at a strange institution called the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee. The Highlander Folk School was a Communist front, having been founded by Myles Horton (Communist Party organizer for Tennessee) and Don West (Communist Party organizer for North Carolina). The leaders of this meeting with King were the aforementioned Horton and West, along with Abner Berry and James Dumbrowski, all open and acknowledged members of the Communist Party, USA. The agenda of the meeting was a plan to tour the Southern states to initiate demonstrations and riots. From 1955 to 1960, Martin Luther King’s associate, advisor, and personal secretary was one Bayard Rustin. In 1936 Rustin joined the Young Communist League at New York City College.

Convicted of draft-dodging, he went to prison for two years in 1944. On January 23, 1953 the “Los Angeles Times” reported his conviction and sentencing to jail for 60 days for lewd vagrancy and homosexual perversion. Rustin attended the 16th Convention of the Communist Party, USA in February, 1957. One month later, he and King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, or SCLC for short. The president of the SCLC was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The vice-president of the SCLC was the Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, who was also the president of an identified Communist front known as the Southern Conference Educational Fund, an organization whose field director, a Mr. Carl Braden, was simultaneously a national sponsor of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, of which you may have heard. The program director of the SCLC was the Reverend Andrew Young, in more recent years Jimmy Carter’s ambassador to the UN and mayor of Atlanta. Young, by the way, was trained at the Highlander Folk School, previously mentioned.

Soon after returning from a trip to Moscow in 1958, Rustin organized the first of King’s famous marches on Washington. The official organ of the Communist Party, “The Worker,- – openly declared the march to be a Communist project. Although he left King’s employ as secretary in 1961, Rustin was called upon by King to be second in command of the much larger march on Washington which took place on August 28, 1963. Bayard Rustin’s replacement in 1961 as secretary and advisor to King was Jack O’Dell, also known as Hunter Pitts O’Dell. According to official records, in 1962 Jack O’Dell was a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party, USA. He had been listed as a Communist Party member as early as 1956. O’Dell was also given the job of acting executive director for SCLC activities for the entire Southeast, according to the St. Louis “Globe-Democrat – -of October 26, 1962. At that time, there were still some patriots in the press corps, and word of O’Dell’s party membership became known.

What did King do? Shortly after the negative news reports, King fired O’Dell with much fanfare. And he then, without the fanfare, “immediately hired him again- – as director of the New York office of the SCLC, as confirmed by the “Richmond News-Leader – -of September 27, 1963. In 1963 a Black man from Monroe, North Carolina named Robert Williams made a trip to Peking, China. Exactly 20 days before King’s 1963 march on Washington, Williams successfully urged Mao Tse-Tung to speak out on behalf of King’s movement. Mr. Williams was also around this time maintaining his primary residence in Cuba, from which he made regular broadcasts to the southern US, three times a week, from high-power AM transmitters in Havana under the title “Radio Free Dixie.” In these broadcasts, he urged violent attacks by Blacks against White Americans. During this period, Williams wrote a book entitled “Negroes With Guns.” The writer of the foreword for this book? None other than Martin Luther King, Jr. It is also interesting to note that the editors and publishers of this book were to a man all supporters of the infamous Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

According to King’s biographer and sympathizer David J. Garrow, “King privately described himself as a Marxist.” In his 1981 book, “The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr.”, Garrow quotes King as saying in SCLC staff meetings, “…we have moved into a new era, which must be an era of revolution…. The whole structure of American life must be changed…. We are engaged in the class struggle.” Jewish Communist Stanley Levison can best be described as King’s behind-the-scenes “handler.” Levison, who had for years been in charge of the secret funnelling of Soviet funds to the Communist Party, USA, was King’s mentor and was actually the brains behind many of King’s more successful ploys. It was Levison who edited King’s book, “Stride Toward Freedom.” It was Levison who arranged for a publisher. Levison even prepared King’s income tax returns! It was Levison who really controlled the fund-raising and agitation activities of the SCLC. Levison wrote many of King’s speeches. King described Levison as one of his “closest friends.

FBI: King Bought Sex With SCLC Money

The Federal Bureau of Investigation had for many years been aware of Stanley Levison’s Communist activities. It was Levison’s close association with King that brought about the initial FBI interest in King. Lest you be tempted to believe the controlled media’s lie about “racists” in the FBI being out to “get” King, you should be aware that the man most responsible for the FBI’s probe of King was Assistant Director William C. Sullivan. Sullivan describes himself as a liberal, and says that initially “I was one hundred per cent for King…because I saw him as an effective and badly needed leader for the Black people in their desire for civil rights.” The probe of King not only confirmed their suspicions about King’s Communist beliefs and associations, but it also revealed King to be a despicable hypocrite, an immoral degenerate, and a worthless charlatan.

According to Assistant Director Sullivan, who had direct access to the surveillance files on King which are denied the American people, King had embezzled or misapplied substantial amounts of money contributed to the “civil rights” movement. King used SCLC funds to pay for liquor, and numerous prostitutes both Black and White, who were brought to his hotel rooms, often two at a time, for drunken sex parties which sometimes lasted for several days. These types of activities were the norm for King’s speaking and organizing tours. In fact, an outfit called The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, which is putting on display the two bedrooms from the Lorraine Motel where King stayed the night before he was shot, has declined to depict in any way the “occupants – -of those rooms. That “according to exhibit designer Gerard Eisterhold “would be “close to blasphemy.” The reason? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spent his last night on Earth having sex with two women at the motel and physically beating and abusing a third.

Sullivan also stated that King had alienated the affections of numerous married women. According to Sullivan, who in 30 years with the Bureau had seen everything there was to be seen of the seamy side of life, King was one of only seven people he had ever encountered who was such a total degenerate. Noting the violence that almost invariably attended King’s supposedly “non-violent” marches, Sullivan’s probe revealed a very different King from the carefully crafted public image. King welcomed members of many different Black groups as members of his SCLC, many of them advocates and practitioners of violence. King’s only admonition on the subject was that they should embrace “tactical nonviolence.” Sullivan also relates an incident in which King met in a financial conference with Communist Party representatives, not knowing that one of the participants was an infiltrator actually working for the FBI. J. Edgar Hoover personally saw to it that documented information on King’s Communist connections was provided to the President and to Congress. And conclusive information from FBI files was also provided to major newspapers and news wire services. But were the American people informed of King’s real nature? No, for even in the 1960s, the fix was in “the controlled media and the bought politicians were bound and determined to push their racial mixing program on America.

King was their man and nothing was going to get in their way. With a few minor exceptions, these facts have been kept from the American people. The pro-King propaganda machine grinds on, and it is even reported that a serious proposal has been made to add some of King’s writings as a new book in the Bible. Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of this radio program is far greater than to prove to you the immorality and subversion of this man called King. I want you to start to think for yourselves. I want you to consider this: What are the forces and motivation behind the controlled media’s active promotion of King? What does it tell you about our politicians when you see them, almost without exception, falling all over themselves to honor King as a national hero? What does it tell you about our society when any public criticism of this moral leper and Communist functionary is considered grounds for dismissal?

What does it tell you about the controlled media when you see how they have successfully suppressed the truth and held out a picture of King that can only be described as a colossal lie? You need to think, my fellow Americans. You desperately need to wake up.


1. The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.- – (an official publication of the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change).

2. “King’s Plagiarism: Imitation, Insecurity and Transformation,” The Journal of American History, June 1991, p. 87) David J. Garrow

3. New York Times” of October 11, 1991, page 15.

4. “The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr.”, David J. Garrow, (1981). 5. “And the walls came tumbling down,” Rev. Ralph Abernathy (1989)

Balkanization of the United States

If you look across the American landscape in 2020, you might notice half of America hates the other half. Half of our U.S. Congress hates the other half, so much so, they’re doing nothing to further the interests of the American people. It’s called, “legislative gridlock.” And even though it’s hard to accept it’s all planned and purposed by those who have always been our enemy.

Back in the 1960’s democrats and republicans at least pretended to work together.  Americans prided themselves on working together.  Even with our ethnic and racial challenges, we enjoyed a common heritage and culture.  We worked through those challenges in a positive mostly manner. The first of many major mistakes was Teddy Kennedy’s “1965 Immigration Reform Act” that commenced the disintegration of America and the influx of those who were traditionally not “American”

Today, more than 100,000,000 million “legal” (Not counting illegal) immigrants later, we have managed to create a web of dysfunctional multiculturalism so tangled there may be no hope of correcting it short of total war, incompatible religions and violent cultures have been encouraged, even forced into our once peaceful and productive society – all by the hand of our elected leaders and those who control them.

A very similar thing happened to France and Europe in the 1970’s.  When France opened its borders to unlimited Muslim immigration in the 1970’s, Frenchman Jean Raspail, penned a prophetic novel, Camp of the Saints, describing the consequences of that senseless choice, “You don’t know my people – the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations.  You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap. Everything will change in this country of yours.  They will swallow you up!”

Today, another writer chronicled the result of that mistake in his book: The Strange Death of Europe—Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray. If the United States maintains its current immigration course, much like the Titanic, someone around mid-century will likely write their magnum opus:  The Strange Death of The United States of America—By Her Own Hand.

No doubt here in 2020, we see a plethora historians and wise men warning us about the future should we continue on our current destructive course:

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.” – It is only us, the progeny of the founders that have not yet realized the depth of our troubles.

It can’t get much clearer than that statement by James Walsh. He can see it. I can see it. Roy Beck sees it. Dan Stein sees it. Jason Mrochek sees it. Dr. John Tanton saw it 50 years ago. Kathleene Parkers saw it. Barbara Jordan saw it. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and Steve King (R-IA) see it. All of them wrote about it. Virtually no one in the U.S. Congress heeded the messages.  If they did, they suffered name-calling such as the dreaded “R-word.”   The absurd fear of being labeled any politically incorrect term basically shuts down anyone in the political arena.

Because of our open-door policy for the past 55 years, we’re being balkanized from within and we are too lazy and scared to take the steps necessary to correct the mistakes (or intentional sabotage) of our past elected leaders.

Recently the state senator from Missouri, Maria Chappelle said, “I hope Trump is assassinated.” To make such a call constitutes “treason” but since she’s a minority and no one wants to be labeled the “R” word, she gets a pass. In Colorado, Denver Councilwoman Candi de Baca said, “If I get the coronavirus, I am going to attend as many MAGA rallies as I can.”  In other words, she would deliberately infect anyone who doesn’t hold her views.  Also a minority, she enjoys immunity.

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said, “Trump is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot.”

That statement condemns more than half of the American public, everyone that voted for Trump. It intentionally enflames the other half. When a national leader attacks SO virulently, it incites civil unrest, social anger, racial animosity and cultural chaos. We have to realize this is being orchestrated on purpose to further the agenda of global elites.

The Somalian immigrant and House member Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, a democrat and a devout Muslim intent on installing Sharia Law in America, said, “I want all Muslims in America to make all Americans uncomfortable.” Indeed, they have made us uncomfortable and will continue to do so by continuing to escalate the acts of violence upon their avowed enemy – Christians, particularly European Christians.

If you whisk off to Hollywood, Debra Messing, a star in a disgusting homosexual sitcom, stated, “Trump puts all Americans in mortal danger.”

Earlier this year, U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, (D-NY), and the man who gave driver’s licenses to the supposed 9/11 hijackers, told two Supreme Court justices, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, “You will pay the price” if they support any case against abortion rights, similar remarks were made to the latest Supreme court appointee, Barrett.

“Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous,” Chief Justice Roberts said in a statement. “All Members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter.” – We can only hope this statement is true.

The Council on American Islamic Relations works 24/7 to bring Sharia Law to America. The Muslim Brotherhood works to incorporate black minorities into that religion with the intent of overthrowing the U.S. Constitution. The greater their numbers the greater their power.  Black Lives Matter members intimidate, carry weapons and absolutely loathe the United States of America and everything it once stood for. Antifa literally chants “death to America” in the streets whilst being cheered on by the corrupt media.

With 15+ million illegal Mexicans in America, La Raza, “The Race”, works to recapture the four border states back into Mexico: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.  One demographer noted on the Tucker Carlson Show on FOX NEWs recently, that immigrants birthed more babies in American in 2019 than actual Americans.  As a matter of fact, in the same report, illegal pregnant women birthed 372,000 ‘anchor babies’ inside our borders in 2019.  (Source: Tucker Carlson, FOX News,

Don Lemon, a minority-gay CNN news host said, “The most dangerous terrorists in America are white straight men.” As James Welsh said back in 1991, “The balkanization of America has already begun.”

If you are reading this blog regardless of your political affiliation , do you think our country will survive? Do you think we can import another projected 110 million “legal” immigrants from 196 countries by 2050 and survive the sociological, religious, linguistic and cultural chaos brought to our shores?


Contributions by: Frosty Wooldridge

The Rulers We Deserve

The Bible basically tells us we get the government we deserve, not the government we want. Whatever we sow, we will reap. There is cause/effect and reasons for all that has come upon America (and is yet to come), financially, militarily, socially and governmentally. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and it is us!”

Perhaps the clearest biblical passage on this subject can be found in the third chapter of Isaiah. The Lord starts out by telling Judah why He is going to haul them off into captivity in the most egregious manner. The people have abandoned their relationship with God and their duties to him. “For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory.” – Isaiah 3:8

Rather than following God’s laws, they have given themselves to excessive buying of thing, and they live as NOT unto the lord. Therefore, a just God is going to devastate them in hopes of getting their attention that they might see their sin, and so He can redeem them from the consequences, if and when they repent.

Isa 3:1-5 For behold, the Lord GOD of hosts is going to remove from Jerusalem and Judah both supply and support, the whole supply of bread, and the whole supply of water; 2 the mighty man and the warrior, the judge and the prophet, the diviner and the elder, 3 the captain of fifty and the honorable man, the counselor and the expert artisan, and the skillful enchanter. 4 And I will make mere lads their princes and capricious children will rule over them. 5 And the people will be oppressed, each one by another, and each one by his neighbor. The youth will storm against the elder, and the inferior against the honorable. KJV

Gods tells them (and us?) that He is going to bring their society to ruin! He will take away their provision(Food Supply Shortages?). He will remove their skilled warriors and confound their vaunted military (Consider the current condition of our military and consider what Biden might do with it). He will take away their wise judges (Do we have any Godly judges left? Will Biden stack the supreme court?)and their insightful prophetic men and women, replacing them with people who cannot think straight or reason in a Godly manner ( just consider the stated of current mainstream Churches)

Honorable men will no longer be found in leadership, and will become scarcer and scarcer as time goes by. Expert craftsman will no longer be found in business and trade. Work ethic will be destroyed, and skill sets will be lost. Their musicians and poets will no longer be skilled at lifting their spirits, but will give themselves over to promoting darkness and iniquity. Inexperienced people (lads) will be their rulers, and “capricious children will rule over them.” Oppression, dishonor and conflict will grow rampant in their national life.

Isa 3:6-9 When a man lays hold of his brother in his father’s house, saying, “You have a cloak, you shall be our ruler, and these ruins will be under your charge,” 7 On that day will he protest, saying, “I will not be your healer, for in my house there is neither bread nor cloak. You should not appoint me ruler of the people.” For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen, because their speech and their actions are against the LORD, to rebel against His glorious presence. 9 The expression of their faces bears witness against them and they display their sin like Sodom. They do not even conceal it. Woe to them for they have brought evil on themselves.

No godly man will want to govern this people. The society has become too self-centered, reprobate and evil to manage even by the wisest of men. People have become ungovernable. God’s people, (whether it be Judah then or America today), have fallen away from Him, and no longer bother to hide their sin. The people boldly violate God’s commandments as if they are immune to the consequences.

Isa 3:10 Say to the righteous that it will go well with them (in exile), for they will eat the fruit of their actions. 11 Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him, for what he deserves will be done to him. 12 O My people! Their oppressors are children, and women rule over them. O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray, and confuse the direction of your paths. KJV

Those who follow God’s laws, keep his commandments, have a love for truth and “keeps” his neighbor will find God’s peace at some level (even in captivity), but they will suffer the same fate as the wicked. Those who have abandoned God and failed to care for their neighbor will get what they deserve, to include inexperienced leadership and female domination (a real slap in this patriarchal face of Godly men). The society (this culture revolution) is leading the people astray at a runaway pace! IS it any coincidence the Harris was just Elected as the first Female “Ruler” in this country?

Isa 3:13-15 The LORD arises to contend, and stands to judge the people. 14 The LORD enters into judgment with the elders and princes of His people, “It is you who have devoured the vineyard. The plunder of the poor is in your houses. 15 “What do you mean by crushing My people, and grinding the face of the poor?” declares the Lord GOD of hosts. KJV

God now arises like a prosecutor in court and brings the official charge against Judah. The leaders of the society have “devoured the vineyard.” Those with wealth and power have thought only of themselves. They have consumed the people’s inheritance. They were entrusted with wealth and prosperity to insure the well-being of all the people, but instead consumed it all upon themselves. They have plundered that which was given to care for the poor, and that “plunder” is to be found stored up in the rich man’s house. The rich man has excess goods while the orphans, the widows and the poor go hungry.

By their mismanagement of God’s provision( In this case the Promised Land, the United States), says God, the people of Judah are “crushing the poor, grinding their faces into the ground!” So now it will be their turn to suffer. God will haul them off as slaves into captivity where they themselves will become the orphan, the widow and the poor, Are we as a nation once again being enslaved under wicked rule as punishment for our collective actions?

Walter Brueggemann, perhaps the foremost Isaiahan scholar today and someone who greatly helped my understanding of this prophet, has said, “Western culture now faces a displacement (a discontentment) that may indeed be expressed as an exile.” We have lost our sense of well-being and are dwelling in a state of fear and foreboding about our security, our future and our course of action. Indeed, our time and place is much like Isaiah’s time and place. Isaiah’s words are, therefore, important to hear lest, as Brueggemann would say, we wind up in “Babylon” “longing for home” (or olden, better days).

Isa 3:16-17 Moreover, the LORD said, “Because the daughters of Zion are proud, and walk with heads held high and seductive eyes, and go along with mincing steps, and tinkle the bangles on their feet, 17 therefore, the Lord will afflict the scalp of the daughters of Zion with scabs, and the LORD will make their foreheads bare. KJV

Rarely does God chastise the women in the Bible because they have so little power and authority. But women in every age have influence and are required by God to exercise it for the good of the society. Historically, it is the women who lead the society to care for the sick, feed the poor, educate the children and leverage the culture for decency. The Women, mothers specifically have the greatest duty to a society in that they are responsible for the rearing of each new generation, the instilling of morals, education of the young and instruction to young mothers.

But the daughters of Zion here are not influencing the society for good. They are, instead, leading the society away from righteousness by their attitudes and behaviors. They are caught up in the culture of seduction and hedonism as evidenced by their commitment to vanity. Does any of this remind you of the abhorrent thinks we see in society today such as Tattoos, immodest attire, instant gratification, abortion, social media, feminism, normalization of pre-marital sex, the list seems endless.

Isa 3:18-23 In that day the Lord will take away the beauty of their anklets, headbands, crescent ornaments, 19 dangling earrings, bracelets, veils, 20 headdresses, ankle chains, sashes, perfume boxes, amulets, 21 finger rings, nose rings, 22 festal robes, outer tunics, cloaks, money purses, 23 hand mirrors, undergarments, turbans, and veils.

The prophet paints a picture of conspicuous consumption; e.g., Imelda Marcos with more than just shoes. He accuses the women of consuming excessively upon themselves rather than caring for their neighbor. Then God speaks judgment and outlines the consequences.

Isa 3:24-26 Now it will come about that instead of sweet perfume there will be putrefaction; instead of a belt, a rope; instead of well-set hair, a plucked-out scalp; instead of fine clothes, a donning of sackcloth; and branding instead of beauty. 25 Your men will fall by the sword, and your mighty ones in battle. 26 And her gates will lament and mourn; and deserted she will sit on the ground. KJV

This is a picture of downfall and exile, and it is ugly! The men have been slain in war. The women are all gathered up, stripped of their finery, shaven and branded, clothed in sackcloth, roped together and marched into captivity. The ones who survive the death march will live as slaves. The party spirit has been replaced by lamenting and mourning by women sitting in the dirt each night on the march.

Let’s take a look at another well-off woman who gets God’s highest marks. (Let’s also remember that these principles are equally true for men.) This woman (and her husband) were very well off, blessed by God Himself, and commended on how they handled it.

Prov 31:10-20 An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. 11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. 13 She looks for wool and flax, and works with her hands in delight. 14 She is like merchant ship. She brings her food from afar. 15 She rises also while it is still night, and gives food to her household, and portions to her maidens. 16 She considers a field and buys it. From her earnings, she plants a vineyard. 17 She girds herself with strength, and makes her arms strong. 18 She senses that her gain is good. Her lamp does not go out at night. 19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hands grasp the spindle. 20 She extends her hand to the poor; and she stretches out her hands to the needy. KJV

God is sovereign over governments. He raises up one and puts down another as it suits Him and His purposes.

Prov 8:15-16 “By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. 16 “By me princes rule, even all the nobles of the earth. KJV

Isa 41:2 Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow. KJV

Ps 75:6-7 For not from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert comes exaltation; 7 but God is the Judge. He puts down one, and exalts another. KJV

Ps 110:5-6 The Lord is at Thy right hand. He will shatter kings in the day of His wrath.6 He will judge among the nations. He will fill them with corpses. He will shatter the chief men over a broad country. NASB

Dan 2:20-21 “Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. 21 “And it is He who changes the times and the epochs. He removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to wise men, and knowledge to men of understanding. NASB

God gives us good government when we deserve it, and He gives us bad government when we deserve that. Ultimately, He gives us what we have earned. In many ways he gives us what we think we want, as seen in the story about Israel demanding a king in 1 Sam (see below).

The story of the Prodigal Son is another example of God giving us what we demand if it is the only way we can learn. The Prodigal Son’s father eventually gave him what he demanded even though he knew it would not go well. It was the only way the hard-headed, self-willed boy could learn.

1 Sam 8:4-9 Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah; 5 and they said to him, “Behold, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all the nations.” 6 But the thing was displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. 8 Like all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this day — in that they have forsaken Me and served other gods — so they are doing to you also. 9 Now then, listen to their voice; however, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them of the procedure of the king who will reign over them.” NASB

In about 610 BC, God told the prophet Habakkuk (Hab 1:5-17) that He was going to use the pagan, brutal kingdom of Babylon to punish His people Israel. The prophet was astonished! “How can you use Babylon to punish us,” he asked. “They are more evil than are we!” God promised to punish Babylon in the long run.

But for now, they were the rod of His discipline for the Divine purpose of addressing the accumulated prolonged sin of His people in hopes of saving a remnant who would follow Him. The point is that God will give us the government we deserve, even if it is more immoral than are we.

Therefore, we cannot hold out any false hope that since we are more righteous than are they, God will not let them win. In fact, He may cause them to win!


2 Chron 7:12-14 Then the LORD appeared to Solomon at night and said to him, “I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. 13 If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. NASB

So how do we get the government we want and the country we want? How do we “humble ourselves and pray, and seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways?” We reverse the two mistakes that got us in this mess. We develop a right relationship with God and with our neighbor. All salvation is based on relationship, and all relationship is based on trust.

We put God first, and we put our trust in Him over all other things. We obey Him in faith (and faithful obedience) even when it seems that what He asks will not work. We love him more than our possessions and acknowledge His ownership over all of them. We embrace Jesus as our Lord and not just our Savior. We abandon the corrupted gospel of prosperity and comfort and follow Jesus down that narrow, more difficult path that leads to life (Mt 7:13-14) and life more abundantly (Jn 10:10).

We stop seeking selfish pleasure and seek rather the Lord and the things with which He wants to bless us. We ask God to show us our sin and create a clean heart within us by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Ps 51:10-13). We embrace sanctification as a process rather than gratification as an idol.

Then we begin again to care for our neighbor, particularly our kinsmen, the orphan, the widow, the homeless, the hungry, the sick and the needy. We become rightly related (righteous) with our God and his laws. How do we do that? What are the practical steps we must take in order to right the ship?

Matt 7:12-14 “Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. 13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. 14 “For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. NASB

It helps to understand the path that was wide and easy that led to our destruction before we can embrace the path that is narrow and difficult that leads to life. A little review of history is in order.

Prior to 1950, all healthcare, all welfare, all education and feeding the hungry in this country were financed and managed entirely by Christians and, often through their churches or local communities reflective of their values. Every revival in America (and elsewhere) was accompanied by the proliferation of religious societies designed and purposed to care for their people. These included orphanages, schools for the needy, blind and deaf, temperance societies, abolition groups, groups to promote literacy and biblical knowledge, societies to promote moral reform, business reform, political reform, dietary reform, and countless others. Secular groups often populated with Christians prang up as well, such as the Lion’s Club, the BPOE, the Rotary, etc.

None of these were funded or managed by the federal government. They flowed out of people’s response to the Divine call to love their neighbor and to steward the earth. Even local governments largely reflected and supported the Judeo-Christian values of their people.

All hospitals were funded and operated in local communities by mostly religious people without any government assistance or interference. All schools were funded and operated in local communities by mostly religious people without any government assistance or interference. All welfare assistance organizations were funded and operated in local communities by mostly religious people without any government assistance or interference.

Soup kitchens, food lines, shelters were all funded and operated in local communities by mostly religious people without any government assistance or interference. Funding for these often became the self-imposed responsibility of the wealthy members of society in support of local efforts to care for the less well-off.

Then after the war, America began to prosper. Goods and services which had long been scarce began to proliferate. Many other goods and services began to be mass manufactured and, therefore, available to the common man. America began to consume goods and services at an, heretofore, unheard of pace. The American Dream became redefined in terms of having stuff instead of being somebody.

Mass marketing followed mass manufacturing, and covetousness and greed were changed from sins to virtues within the culture. Buying was in. Saving was less popular and giving became a much lower priority. If the good life was available to all, why should I be concerned about my neighbor? Go for the gusto! You only go around once! Radio and printed media were replaced by television, pegan holidays wete advertised, even elevated to the level of idolatry and we became seduced by the most intense Jedi Mind Trick ever known to man – YOU NEED THIS!

Americans abandoned their responsibilities for providing education to their own offspring, welfare and healthcare for their selves and neighbors. Soon a vacuum developed within our society (as intended by the federal government) in these three areas. Imeditaly the politicians stepped in offering to fill the void.

The Department of Health, Education and Welfare was founded in 1953 in the Eisenhower Administration. The Hill-Burton Act to build public hospitals was passed in 1946, but government funded hospitals were not common until the 1950’s. Minimal Social Security for a few was proposed in 1935, but national Social Security for all was not instituted until circa 1950. Medicare was added in 1965.

Some in the federal government were motivated to care for the poor and needy. (We were still a relatively God-fearing society at large.) But many in the federal government saw it as the golden opportunity to gain control over the states, the local communities and the masses. Within two decades after the end of the war, the federal government had captured control of all three areas and was redefining all three as entitlements. This allowed them to confiscate more and more of our personal funds to pay for them. What we had once done voluntarily as a nation we were now coerced to fund but not allowed to manage or control.

Church-based schools would never have taught Darwinism nor would they have promoted so many other secular values and practices as are promoted in schools today. While we pursued the god of Consumerism, others took over our culture by taking over the God ordained responsibilities we had abandoned. Having lost control, we are now finding it nearly impossible to get it back. Once they had the levers of power, they moved the entire culture in a direction we had never intended or imagined. We are only now waking up to see just how much this is true.

If you give some in the government credit for good motives, the problem still remains that the government was never graced by God to do the tasks that it has co-opted and that we have abandoned. Lacking both calling and spiritual empowerment, the government administrates these areas badly (to put it mildly). It CANNOT do it well. It is neither called nor graced by God to do it. Charles Simpson used to say, “If we gave the government authority over the Sahara Desert, in ten-years there would be worldwide shortage of sand.

So even when the government tries to manage healthcare, welfare and education, it fails. It is not their responsibility. Never was. It is ours, and we need to take it back, or our land will never be healed.

But how, you say? How do we take such a huge responsibility back from such a monolithic power as the government and the growing number of people who see the government as their Uncle Sugar? Many are calling for a large, organized, expensive political battle to recover the culture and the land. But that is the way of the Zealots of Jesus day and not the way that Jesus taught us.

Besides, it is too late for that. We are already outnumbered in our representative democracy. Now we have only one response, one hope. We must return unto the Lord and do the things He told us to do. It will not be easy. We lost it a little at a time and we will have to take it back that way also. It may seem impossible, but we have a big God with Whom all things are possible.

Matt 19:25-27 And when the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, “Then who can be saved?” 26 And looking upon them Jesus said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” NASB

Mark 9:22-23 But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!” 23 And Jesus said to him, “‘If You can!’ All things are possible to him who believes.” NASB

Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. NASB

Matt 17:20-21 And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you. NASB

The longest journey begins with the smallest step. Once we begin a journey with God, He adds His supernatural power to it to make it become more successful and fulfilling than we could have imagined on our own. If we commit ourselves to the right course, He will predestine it to success (Rom 8:28-30). God just needs to see the right commitments in our minds and hearts.

We need to commit ourselves to take up our responsibilities in those areas that we have previously abandoned. We need to make it our business that children are properly educated at home and taught in the lord, that people learn to properly care for treir health and that people receive the support they need for basic things like food, clothing and shelter starting with your own family. Did I mention that it will take faith?

Practical application is required at this point. We cannot swallow the whole elephant at once (Ray Stevens), so we must take one bite at a time. When God sees us committed to the right direction, He will move to address the big picture. For instance, He may give us a government that can think straight, probably one congressman at a time

Why are we collectively sitting around waiting on God to give us a righteous leader (President) that we neither have earned not deserve? For the sin of abortion alone we deserve nothing less than total destruction!

Some might say that this is too big of a task to be successful. When the exiles were released from Babylon and returned to Israel in 538 BC, they found the temple and the wall around Jerusalem both in total ruins. They could not survive as a people unless they rebuilt both of them, but it seemed like an enormous task. And then there were daily distractions and powerful enemies focused on causing them to fail. Initially it seemed impossible. Their first efforts to rebuild the wall were thwarted by their political enemies.

Then God sent Nehemiah to get the work done. Nehemiah taught the people three principles from God that enabled them to rebuild the wall completely in just a few short months. They were: (1) half the people must pray while the other half work, (2) each man must wear his sword while he builds, and (3) each family must build the wall in front of their own house.

The lesson for us is clear. The battle involves both prayer and the willingness to stand firmly, with your swordif necessary. We must be spiritually armed by praying and following Gods laws. And we each start with our own households and family because without that we will perish as a people.

In summary, we do not like where our country is headed, morally and or financially. We believe our present government (no matter which party) is only going to make it worse, not better. We desperately want God to intervene and rescue us. Prayerful Bible study has shown us that we are getting what we deserve because we have consistently and willfully as a people violated Gods Commandments. We have dishonored God and continue to do so with a vengeance.

God is no longer first in our hearts. Then we see that we have not loved our neighbor nor heard the cry of the needy. We have consumed our prosperity largely on ourselves. If we will humble ourselves in obedience to God, He will hear from Heaven and heal our land. That means that if we want to rescue our nation, our culture and our children’s future, we must put God first and because lovers of the truth.

Let the government build roads, hold elections and provide for our national defense. Let’s get them out of health, education and welfare. Because the government has become the source of all benevolence, it has become “God” to many people and its values are reshaping our culture and beliefs. When the people of God reflect God as the source of all benevolence, the people will see God as our Source and Provider, and we can reshape the values of the culture.

It is not mathematically possible to tax our way out of debt. We have gone too far into debt for that remedy to work. We must cut spending and that means all foreign aid, most military expenditures, all entitlements and a massive reduction of federal government. This is the only hope we have to ever resolve the national debt.