Daily Archives: May 28, 2023

Should Women Wear Pants?

DISCLAIMER: We live in a fallen world and often times it is impossible to do everything in an ideal manner. By no means do I think that a woman is committing a sin simply because she wears a modest pair of pants from time-to-time. This is ultimately a decision for her husband, the article below is written for ideal circumstances and we should ALL strive to set an example for the Christian faith regardless of what anyone else thinks!

“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel…” —1st Timothy 2:9

       Women are to dress in “modest apparel.” That is what the Bible commands. It is not a matter of opinion. God has revealed His will concerning the manner in which women ought to dress. Rebellious women don’t care, they’re going to be lewd, rude and crude regardless; but a woman that fears God does care is then careful about the way she clothes herself.

The Greek word for “modest” in 1st Timothy 2:9 is “Kosmios” which means “of good behavior.” Hence, the attire which a woman wears sends a message as to the type of moral character she possesses. Women who wear pants generally do not recognize, or do not care about the spiritual dangers of lasciviousness caused by their choices in attire. The clothes women wear send a message about who they are, what they stand for and what they believe.

Proof of this is found in Proverb 7:10… “And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtle of heart.” The Bible speaks about the attire of a harlot. One cannot deny that sexually suggestive clothing is the attire of a harlot. Any type of clothing that exposes or accentuates a woman’s thighs, legs, shoulders, breast cleavage, is tight or “Form fitting is immodest and sinful.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone the same society that has murdered 50,000,000 plus innocent children, in a culture of celebrity idol worship, would also scoff and laugh at Biblical morality. It is in fact a sin for women to wear tight pants, miniskirts and open blouses. It is a sin for women to pose in women’s catalogs, because they KNOW that millions of men will also look through those catalogs and commit adultery. It is a sin to become a “Model” or “Cheerleader”, stripping down to what should only be considered undergarments and showing the crowds their nearly naked bodies while kicking their legs in the air. Most fashion shows, plays, theatre performances and pageants are nothing more than whore shows.

When the demon-possessed maniac of Gadarenes found Jesus Christ, he came into his right mind, put his clothes back on and sat down at the feet of Jesus. Gods law and Christian morality is the cure for nudity!

We are literally surrounded by and constantly bombarded with heathen behavior. It has infiltrated EVERY aspect of our civilization from television to radio to public schools and colleges. Katy Perry like most other celebrities is a CURSE to teenagers and young children and Sesame Street (Like others) promotes Katy Perry to small children. Add to that a Godless public school system and you’ve got an upcoming generation of militant lesbians and fornicators. Katy Perry exposes the evils of women dressing immodestly, wearing pants and not following Gods laws.

Even the dumbest people among us know that men are sexually aroused by SIGHT. This is the great danger of women dressing immodestly & wearing pants (or even less). Lest you think this a trifle matter, Jesus condemned the lusts of the heart as being equivalent to ADULTERY in Matthew 5:28, “But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Maybe you don’t care, but God does. Immodestly dressed women cause men to lust. Sadly, many women enjoy such sensual attention, making them feel good about themselves; but that is a very shallow and selfish attitude to have not to mention sinful, John 12:43 tells us to seek the praise of God, not men.

There are godly men who are trying to maintain clean minds, and you’re helping to hurt them spiritually. God will hold every woman accountable for EVERY lust she intentionally caused in men by her immodest apparel and behavior.

In 1921, Margaret C. Worthington, writing for the Moody Bible Institute Monthly, compared current immodest women’s apparel to “grave clothes,” worn by the dead in the tomb. (SOURCE: Moody Bible Institute Monthly; October 1921: #617) That was back in 1921! My how times have changed. Immodest clothing destroys a woman’s natural modesty. It also ruins men’s morals. The Playboy (Homo) Sexual Revolution and the epidemic of pornography has indoctrinated American men to view women as mere sex objects, a form of entertainment. In other words, sex just for the sake of sex, which is the basis of homosexuality, incest and pedophilia. Modesty is the greatest safeguard of a woman’s feminine virtue. PANTS ON FEMALES: THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT (by Dr. Bob Gray Sr.)

The Sin of Women Dressing Immodestly

1st Timothy 2:9, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.” The Bible plainly evidences in the account of king David committing adultery with Bath-sheba the dangers of women displaying their naked bodies in public. David went out on his roof and saw Bathsheba bathing naked and the rest is history . . .

2nd Samuel 11:2, “And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon. And David sent and enquired after the woman. And one said, Is not this Bath-sheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite? And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her.”

Bath-sheba was either careless or deliberately seduced king David. The man after God’s own heart chose to commit adultery because of a naked woman. This plainly evidences WHY women ought to wear proper attire in public. Godless women don’t care; Christian women do care. It is sinful for whores like Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and their counterparts to lie on the ground in sensual poses, rolling around in lingerie on TV, jumping around in their panties on YouTube behaving like demon-possessed heathens, and leading the world’s young girls to follow their evil example while encouraging the perpetuation of sinful behavior. It’s no wonder the abortion rate is so high in our country, adultery and fornication are an epidemic in America, moral looseness is promoted as the norm, Sexual immorality is everywhere and a consequence of unrestrained lusts (Romans 1:24-27). God’s curse is upon our nation.

Nothing has changed in 3,000 years since David and Bath-Sheba. Sexual sins are commonplace in the world today, especially in the “westernized” world and America partly because of all the whorishly (un)clothed women. Americans live in a sexually degenerate, perverted, and sensual society. Such women are evil in their hearts, who value the lustful attention of men rather than the praise of God for being a virtuous woman. There are no women any uglier spiritually than whores like MadonnaAnna Nicole SmithSelena GomezKaty Perry (Hudson), Sandra Bullock, and countless more who strip naked and encourage others to lust upon them.

Here is an excellent quote from Pastor Bob Gray Sr. concerning women wearing pants…

If you are an honest person you will have to admit that females in public have taken the half off sale seriously. Hip hugging skinny jeans revealing mid riffs. I travel every week of the world around this great nation of ours. It is embarrassing for a man who is doing the best he can to keep his heart right with all of the female flesh on display.

Then I go into some of our churches and find myself wondering who is standing for the Bible principle of distinction in God’s house. The decline of American morality is reflected in our distinction. The decline of our churches is also reflected in our dress distinction. 50 years ago it was not so in public and for sure it was not so in our churches.

The Mrs. Cleaver look was in almost every home in 1950’s. Not so in either the home or the house of God, in a lot of cases, in this new Millennium. If God wanted a distinction in the Old Testament how much more does He desire it in the New Testament.

. . . Let’s face it the breaking down between the sexes has taken place. We no longer have the distinctions we once had between men and women including the way they dress. Dr. Hyles and others warned us of this danger (Dr. Hyles, MP3 sermon, “UNISEX”) more than they warned us of women wearing pants. He warned us of the danger of losing the distinction between the sexes. Pants was a symptom of the issue, but many have turned this against those who warned of the true danger.


Many Women Sinfully Sport in Causing Lasciviousness

Proverbs 6:26, “For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.” It is evil for any woman to deliberately cause lasciviousness by her immodest attire. Many women cruel, some even delight in hurting others. This evil is commonplace today as the sensual smut flows out of Hollywood and Walt Disney like sewage flowing into a cesspool, It truly is a cesspool of iniquity!

In fact, many people today think it’s perfectly normal and acceptable for women to dress whorish to arouse men, with no consideration for the sexual sins caused by their evil and intentional influence. Woman who purposely dress immodestly are guilty of idolatry. She is placing her own will above God’s Word, making herself to be a god, and is causing men to worship her body instead of God.

There is not much worse evil than a woman who deliberately entices men with immoral clothing, nudity or lewd behavior.

Here are the words that Proverb 7:18 tells us the whore says…

Proverb 7:18 , “Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.”

Read what the Bible has to say about the whorish woman…

Proverbs 7:25-27, “Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.”

God never changes (Malachi 3:6). While the Old Testament seems magnifies the wrath of God; and the New Testament the love of God, he loves us and has made a way of salvation through faith in his son, Jesus Christ. But don’t mistake God’s love and mercy for lack of enforcement of his laws and the resulting consequences inherent to breaking them. Those who reject Christ will burn in the Lake of Fire forever (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:8). If you want a clear picture of God today, then you must take the Bible as a whole.

Most Women Don’t Care, So What is a Christian Man to Do?

But you ask, isn’t it normal for a man to want to lust upon a women?” Yes, for the carnal man. I’d worry about any man who didn’t have such desires. Any man who doesn’t desire to look upon a beautiful woman is either sick or needs to move to San Fransicko, Albeit I’m not talking about being normal in the carnal sense; I’m talking about living by faith to please God. Jesus plainly taught that lust is adultery. Matthew 5:28, “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” There is no room for debate on this matter biblically speaking. Sexual lust is a sin, unless it’s your wife or husband.

It may be natural to live like a heathen, but God saved us and gave us laws to live by. God wants His children to be zealous of good works (Titus 2:14). I’m talking about walking in the Spirit of God. Galatians 5:25, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Every saved person LIVES in the Sprit, i.e., they have the Holy Spirit of God indwelling them (Romans 8:9). But to walk in the Spirit is to yield in obedience to the teachings of God’s Word as a believer, as evidenced by Galatians 5:25.

How does a person avoid sexually impure thoughts? The answer is found in multiple Scriptures…

  1. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” How does one abstain from fleshy lusts, since we cannot help but see filth in today’s sexually degenerative American society?
  2. 2nd Corinthians 10:5, “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” When a man sees a lewd or whorish looking woman (i.e., the attire of a harlot), then he is to cast down any thought of lust… “No, I won’t think that way. I want a clean heart oh God.” He is to bring every thought into captivity the Bible says, to obedience to Jesus Christ, the Word of God. .
  3. Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Pray and ask God for His help. Jesus told His disciples in Luke 22:40, “…Pray that ye enter not into temptation.” Notice that Jesus didn’t say to pray WHEN you are tempted; but rather, to pray that ye ENTER NOT into temptation. James 1:14 teaches that a man is only tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust.
  4. Psalm 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Memorize Scriptures as did king David to quote when tempted. The Scriptures I am sharing with you are a good place to start but I’m sure there are many more. When Satan tried to tempt Jesus, the Lord quoted Scriptures each time to defeat the Devil.
  5. 1st Corinthians 10:6, “Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.” The Jews wandering in the wilderness made a golden calf, an idol like American television today, that led them to commit sexual immorality. Twenty-three thousand of them were killed as a consequence, as an example the Bible says of what will happen to the wicked in eternity. Consider the warnings that the Bible gives to us today. God is not a passive God concerning sin Hebrews 13:4 warns that God will judge all whores and whoremongers.
  6. Proverb 23:31-33, “Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things.” Apparently drinking alcohol causes perverse thoughts. .
  7. Job 31:1, “I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?” Job purposed in his heart that he would not have a dirty-mind. Make a covenant with your eyes. Anyone can choose to maintain a clean mind and heart. The question is do you love God and want His hand of blessing upon your life? God’s face is against the disobedient.

You can live right in modern times. Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” And a wonderful Scripture in Philippians 2:13, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” The Bible teaches that God puts the desire in our heart, both to will and to do God’s will.

Of course, men who are sin-loving degenerates want women to wear form fitting pants, miniskirts and other immodest attire. While it is sinful for women to wear these things, I’m not saying that it’s wrong for a woman to be attractive; but Word of God clearly teaches that a godly woman should desire to attract men to her character rather than her body…

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves” (1st Peter 3:3-5). 

Seldom do we see virtuous women anymore who look, talk, walk, and behave like feminine ladies. Instead, they are feminists! She-devils! Long dresses and modest attire are extremely rare today. Why is wearing a long dress, automatically associated with being a Christian? Other women will persecute you simply for dressing modestly but 2nd Timothy 3:12 teaches that those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. A women who stays home to care for her family is ridiculed these days by a feminist culture of rebellious whores.

The Bible warns about the many dangers of sexual sins…

Proverb 5:3, “For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell. Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house: Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel: Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger; And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed.”

Proverb 5:8…

“Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house.”

May all Christians today say with Joshua…

“…as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15).

The Truth Concerning Women Wearing Pants

Here’s a great explanation of why women shouldn’t wear pants from a godly woman…

“Modest” means not extreme or bold, and not morally loose. Those can apply to pants, yes; but when I have on a pair of pants, I don’t feel that my body is covered. Pants are form-fitting, thus exposing my body. That’s just how I feel. The illustration that Cathy Corle uses is two pictures of the same woman. The first one has her in a nice dress. She asked a group of ladies what they noticed about this woman, and they answered her face. Then she showed them the picture of the same woman in a pair of jeans and asked what they noticed. They said their eyes were immediately drawn to the crotch area! That drove home to me that clothes can emphasize the body or the face; I’d rather have folks, especially men, notice my face and not my body. Again, this is my feeling.

        The other thing that convinced me was the doctrine of separation from the world. The fashion of the world is to wear pants (patterned after men’s clothing). This wasn’t the case until about 100 years ago, when actresses began wearing pant suits that resembled men’s suits. Before that, women almost universally wore dresses (I remember my Granny saying that she wore her brother’s overalls to pick cotton to keep her legs from getting all scratched up). So the fashion of the world became women wearing pants. I felt that, to be separate from the world, I needed to dress differently than the world. I also needed to be feminine and distinctively female; there should be a noticeable difference between my clothes and a man’s clothes. The difference in our culture is that women wear dresses and men wear pants, so I believe it’s right for me to wear dresses.

        Several years ago, my pastor gave some principles for Christian dress. They’re very helpful, and they can be applied to male or female, pants or dresses.

  • 1. Modesty – does this clothing cover me adequately? I Tim. 2:9
  • 2. Not worldly – does this clothing reflect the current trends of Hollywood and TV? I John 2:15
  • 3. Difference – does this clothing easily show there’s a difference between me and the opposite gender? Deut. 22:5
  • 4. Inoffensive – does this clothing offend a brother or sister in Christ? As a woman, will this cause my brother to stumble or think lustfully about me? Rom 14:7-8,12-13 I Cor. 10:23; 8:13
  • 5. Glorifies God – does this clothing glorify God, or does it call attention to me and glorify me? I Cor. 10:31

As for this being a matter between a wife, husband, and God:

        A saved man will encourage his wife to do what God is laying on her heart. Several ladies have mentioned how their husbands didn’t see the need for dresses only, but supported them in wearing them because the ladies felt that is what God wanted them to do. With an unsaved husband, the dress issue can be a witness to her husband in one of two ways: if he doesn’t mind her wearing dresses only, it can be a witness of her changed life; if he doesn’t want her to wear dresses only, her submission to him in this area will be a witness to him (especially if she makes sure to wear what pleases him when they are at home, even if she wears dresses all the rest of the time).

        This issue is just like any other that families have to make a decision about. If your heart is open to do whatever God wants you to, and you study scriptures related to it and come to a different conclusion than others, you’ve done what you need to to follow God’s leading. We have freedom in Christ to follow Him as He leads us to. I don’t know why some people develop certain convictions and others don’t. How people dress is not a salvation issue; it’s a separation issue. It’s not my job to win them over to my way of thinking on separation – it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to teach them how God wants them to live. If they ask why I believe something, I’ll tell them; otherwise, I stay quiet.


Thank God for such godly and feminine ladies who stand for the truth, and please the Lord Jesus by being virtuous.

“Pornography” is a layperson’s term, with no particular legal significance. Jones may believe that Penthouse is non-pornographic, while Smith believes that it is. Neither is incorrect.

The term of legal significance is “obscenity,” which, after struggling for many years and through many cases, the U.S. Supreme Court defined in Miller v. California in 1973.

“The basic guidelines for the trier of fact must be:



  1. Designed to incite to indecency or lust.
  2. Offensive to the mind.
  3. Suggestive of or tending to moral looseness.

Tragically, most people in society today don’t consider pants on women as obscene, so it wouldn’t hold up in court today; but they sure did 100 years ago. Women were actually punished and even for wearing pants and smoking in public 100 years ago. Stores pulled down their shades on Sunday to prevent passers-by from window shopping instead of going to church. It’s the same corruption today. Do you really think our government can’t keep out illegal immigrants? Do you really think our government is innocently missing tens-of-trillions of dollars? Do you really think our government can’t keep millions of tons of illegal drugs out of the country? We have been lied to by our government leaders for far too long, because most Americans are dumb enough to believe what they hear and allowing these things into our society deliberately perpetuates the breakdown of Christian morals.

The frightening thing about the court’s definition of obscenity is that it hinges on the moral condition of society at that particular time. This is situation ethics, not morality. America had morals 100 years ago; but no longer. Today, Americans murder their own children by abortion, and encourage their kids to follow Harry Potter’s witchcraft. Now federal legislatures legalized “gay marriages” in addition to all sorts of other debauchery.

Just wait until the divorces! Can you imagine when a man has to pay alimony and child support to another man? If I were the judge, I’d have to take several breaks to keep from laughing. What has our nation come to? My how times have changed! As American society becomes more apostate, homosexualized, promiscuous, and adulterous—the Biblical teaching of modesty is increasingly scorned with utter contempt. Indeed, pants on women is obscene by Biblical standards, and is a form of obscenity which encourages men to lust.

Let the heathen rage if they don’t like the truth—God is still on His throne!

Immodesty is Destroying America!

I love pictures from the early twentieth century in America. We’ve lost our moral compass in America. UNISEX (MP3, Dr. Hyles; The unisex perversion sweeping America is a sign of the end times).

The bottom line is that pants along with other immodest attire on women cause people to lust with sinful adulterous thoughts (Matthew 5:28). Do you think it’s a mere coincidence that homosexuality, child molesting, rape, and all sorts of other sexual sins have become prevalent in the United States within the past few decades? It’s our sex-crazed American society. That’s why condoms are being passed out to public school children and you cannot watch ANY television show or even commercial without some sort of objectionable content.

According to a study released in December of 2010 by the Parents Television Council (PTC): Hollywood is shockingly obsessed with sexualizing teen girls, to the point where underage female characters are shown participating in an even higher percentage of sexual situations than their adult counterparts: 47 percent to 29 percent respectively.”

In a Moody Bible Institute Monthly article, A. R. Funderburk, said that “the present style of dress” worn by young women “tends to destroy the sense of modesty that God has implanted in the heart of every woman.” Without that sense of modesty, Funderburk feared, “she is left defenseless, and it is an easy matter for the Devil in the form of a human friend to rob her of a priceless jewel.” (SOURCE: A. R. Funderburk, “Serving the God of Fashion,” Moody Bible Institute Monthly, 500). In other words, a young woman who lacks a sense of modesty is far more likely to have premarital sex and destroy her life and testimony.

Modesty Is The Greatest Safeguard Of Feminine Virtue!

If you are a born again Christian, then behave like one, for you and I will have to give account to God for everything in our life (Romans 14:12; 2nd Corinthians 5:10-11).

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” —1st John 2:15-17

The Cure for Nudity | The Sin of Wearing Only Underwear in Public | America’s Sex Sicko Society

Television Executives Exploit Underaged Teen Girls for Profits

The Darkness of Their Imaginations

God knows what we watch on TV. It’s just as bad to watch adultery on TV as it would be for us to be in same room with them. The TV has a desensitizing effect on its viewers. Sin is not shocking anymore but rather becomes commonplace. This is why many people have become lackadaisical and acceptant of the wicked sin of homosexuality. The following reads like a synopsis of hellivision and unholy-wood:

Romans 1:28-32 -“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful…”

Verse 32 describes TV perfectly, i.e., a window which allows people to have pleasure in the sins of others:

“Who KNOWING the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, BUT HAVE PLEASURE IN THEM THAT DO THEM.”

Jeans and Vaginal Health

Are jeans bad? Many doctors and researchers say vaginal health issues are linked to wearing jeans, epically tight jeans.

In 2019, researchers from Boston University’s Public School of health published a study that found wearing jeans regularly increased a woman’s risk of experiencing vulvodynia 200%, a condition characterized by chronic pain in a female’s external genital area.

Researchers looked at hygiene and pants preference and found:

  • Women wearing jeans four or more times a week had twice the odds of vulvodynia compared to women who never wore pants.
  • Females who opted to remove all of their pubic hair (versus just in the bikini line area) were 74% percent more likely to have vulvodynia and 400% more likely if they also wore jeans.

Aside from that, wearing tight-fitting jeans is also linked to:

  • Bacterial vaginosis 350% more likely
  • Vaginal irritation 600% more likely
  • Yeast infection 420% more likely
  • POCS disorder 220% more likely
  • Delays in conceiving children 310% more likely
  • Urinary Tract Infections 250% more likely

Compartment Syndrome and Nerve Damage

One of the most shocking side effects of wearing tight jeans is nerve damage. Below is the 2015 case of an Australian woman.

A day after repeatedly squatting while helping a family member pack up for a move, paramedics found the 35-year-old woman on the ground and had to cut the tight jeans off of her body. She spent four days in the hospital being treated for rhabdomyolysis and lower-extremity neuropathy.

Abdominal Pain, Digestive Health & Miscarriage

Wearing too-tight jeans can also cause or aggravate GERD symptoms and other hiatal hernia symptoms. Wearing a tight belt can increase pressure in the stomach and cause pain and acid reflux. And tight pants could do the same. This can especially worsen when you forward bend in tight jeans.

Otherwise, what about blood clots? There is research linking skinny jeans to blood clots, There is substantial evidence linking jeans to increased miscarriage rates (some studies show as much as a 40% increase).

History of Women’s Attire in the Christian Faith

Surprising but True—Hair Dyeing, Face Painting, Immodest Dresses, Jewelry Wear­ing, Are as Ancient as Christianity.

Before the final visitation of God’s judg­ments upon this earth, according to The Great Controversy, there will be among His people such a “revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times” (page 464). What is meant by “primitive godliness”? Webster says that the word primitive pertains to “the beginning or origin; earliest in time.” If this statement has reference to the godli­ness of early Christianity, which we may understand it to do by the reference to “apostolic times,” then we may assume that the pure faith and practices of the early church form a part of primitive god­liness.

A careful study of early church history reveals that the Church Fathers in the first and second centuries advocated the strictest adherence to high standards of conduct, dress, morality, recreation, and temperance. Several of them were rather explicit in defining how these standards were to be carried out in the lives of their followers. A closer look at the writings of these men should give us a clearer insight into what is meant by primitive godliness. For the sake of brevity we shall confine this discussion to the matters of dress and “out­ward adorning.”

Open Hostility

Christianity in apostolic times was no more popular than had been its Founder, either to the leading Jewish religionists of the day or to the pagan populace. The church in its first two hundred years found itself faced with attitudes fluctuating from mild disapproval to open hostility, often in the form of persecution. The martyr’s death became a thing to be coveted by many Christians more than feared. The concept of being separate from the world was a reflection of the apostles’ teachings. Peter had called Christians a “peculiar people,” “strangers and pilgrims” (I Peter 2:911). Paul, writing to the Corinthians, urged them to “Come out . . . and be ye separate” (2 Cor. 6:17). John reminded his flock that the love of the Father and the love of the world cannot exist together, that the “lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, . . . is of the world” (I John 2:1516).

The Inner Personality

They were specific in applying these basic principles to the daily life. For ex­ample, Peter, speaking to wives with unbelieving husbands, admonished them that their husbands might be won “simply by seeing the pure and reverent behavior of you, their wives. Your beauty should not be dependent on an elaborate coiffure, or on the wearing of jewelry or fine clothes, but on the inner personality—the unfad­ing loveliness of a calm and gentle spirit, a thing very precious in the eyes of God” (1 Peter 3:34, Phillips).* Paul writes: “Women again must dress in becoming manner, modestly and soberly, not with elaborate hair-styles, not decked out with gold or pearls, or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, as befits women who claim to be religious” (1 Tim. 2:9).

Two main main themes stand out in the apos­tles’ teaching on this subject: The first is that the true beauty that God values must come from the “inmost centre of your be­ing, with its imperishable ornament, a gen­tle, quiet spirit” (1 Peter 3:4, N.E.B.).t The other is that in the Christian’s ap­pearance there will be a significant ab­sence of the artificial and superfluous, which appeal to pride and vanity—the gold, the jewels, the elaborate hairstyles and expensive clothes.

Beauty or Deformity

Clement of Alexandria, writing near the close of the second century, emphasized the first principle when he stated that women were to be well-clothed, “without by raiment, within by modesty” (Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, p. 252). He pointed out that “in the soul alone are beauty and deformity shown” (ibid., p. 268). He ad­vised women to adopt simplicity, wearing the collars and necklaces of modesty and chastity as the chains which God forges (ibid., p. 270).

Spiritual Adornment

Tertullian, writing about A.D. 202, re­minded Christians, who possibly would pass their days in iron rather than in gold, that since the “stole of martyrdom” was being prepared for them, they should seek the cosmetics and adornments of the apos­tles and prophets: whiteness from simplic­ity, rosy hues from chastity, the paint of modesty for the eyes, and of silence for the lips, for the ears the Word of God, and for the neck the yoke of Christ. Their clothing was to be the silk of honesty and the fine linen of righteousness (see ANN FREMAN­TLE, in Treasury of Christianity, p. 65).

Nothing New About Immodesty

While at least one writer of the second century observed that “all our women [Christians] were chaste,” the early Chris­tian sisters must have been faced with many of the same temptations to pride and vanity that face Christian women of our day. Decking the body with jewels, paint­ing the face, dyeing the hair, wearing im­modest styles of dress, are not new practices to our modern age, and against these evils the Church Fathers sounded their warnings.

Clement, speaking of women who wear gold, occupy themselves in curling their locks, paint their eyes, dye their hair, and in general practice the “arts of luxury,” said that in truth they were imitating the Egyptians. Furthermore, he quoted heathen poets to show that if even some of them were disgusted with such fashions, how much more should such things be rejected by those who know the truth (ibid., vol. 2, p. 272). He also spoke about ornamented sandals to which had been added “nails driven into the soles in winding rows.” To these “mischievous devices” the Christian must bid “farewell” (ibid., p. 267). After quoting Jesus’ statement in Luke 12:22-28 about raiment—”consider the lilies,” and “if God so clothe the grass,” Clement enumerated some of the decep­tions he felt might be likened to the grass which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven: love of ornament, gems, gold, artificial hair and wreathed curls, staining the eyes, plucking out hairs, painting with rouge and white lead, and dyeing of the hair (ibid., p. 264).

By way of a positive suggestion he rec­ommended that instead of wearing pre­cious stones and pearls, things to which “silly people” are attracted for show, Chris­tians should adorn themselves with the “Word of God,” Jesus the Pearl of great price (ibid., p. 267). Interestingly enough, he advised that in the place of smearing their faces with devices of wily cunning, they try the adornment of health, namely temperance in drinks, moderation in arti­cles of food, which “are effectual in producing beauty according to nature” (ibid., p. 287).

Longing After Youth

Tertullian also seemed to be concerned with the health angle when he spoke about the danger of tormenting the skin with potions, staining the cheeks with rouge, and extending the line of the eyes with black coloring. He seemed to think people who followed such practices must be dis­satisfied with God’s plastic skill. He ex­plained at great length the harmful effect of saffron dye to the hair, but what was still worse in his opinion was the fact that those who change the color of their hair are proving the Lord wrong, who says, “Who of you can make a white hair black or a black hair white?” Furthermore, those who would shun old age and sigh after youth, by changing the color of their hair, are to be shamed. “The more old age strives to conceal itself, the more it will be detected.”—Treasury of Christianity, pp. 61, 62.

Tertullian was very careful to note that he was not approving slovenliness, squalor, or roughness in appearance. “We merely set forth the limit and bounds and just measure of bodily adornment,” he said.