Balkanization of the United States

If you look across the American landscape in 2020, you might notice half of America hates the other half. Half of our U.S. Congress hates the other half, so much so, they’re doing nothing to further the interests of the American people. It’s called, “legislative gridlock.” And even though it’s hard to accept it’s all planned and purposed by those who have always been our enemy.

Back in the 1960’s democrats and republicans at least pretended to work together.  Americans prided themselves on working together.  Even with our ethnic and racial challenges, we enjoyed a common heritage and culture.  We worked through those challenges in a positive mostly manner. The first of many major mistakes was Teddy Kennedy’s “1965 Immigration Reform Act” that commenced the disintegration of America and the influx of those who were traditionally not “American”

Today, more than 100,000,000 million “legal” (Not counting illegal) immigrants later, we have managed to create a web of dysfunctional multiculturalism so tangled there may be no hope of correcting it short of total war, incompatible religions and violent cultures have been encouraged, even forced into our once peaceful and productive society – all by the hand of our elected leaders and those who control them.

A very similar thing happened to France and Europe in the 1970’s.  When France opened its borders to unlimited Muslim immigration in the 1970’s, Frenchman Jean Raspail, penned a prophetic novel, Camp of the Saints, describing the consequences of that senseless choice, “You don’t know my people – the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations.  You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap. Everything will change in this country of yours.  They will swallow you up!”

Today, another writer chronicled the result of that mistake in his book: The Strange Death of Europe—Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray. If the United States maintains its current immigration course, much like the Titanic, someone around mid-century will likely write their magnum opus:  The Strange Death of The United States of America—By Her Own Hand.

No doubt here in 2020, we see a plethora historians and wise men warning us about the future should we continue on our current destructive course:

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.” – It is only us, the progeny of the founders that have not yet realized the depth of our troubles.

It can’t get much clearer than that statement by James Walsh. He can see it. I can see it. Roy Beck sees it. Dan Stein sees it. Jason Mrochek sees it. Dr. John Tanton saw it 50 years ago. Kathleene Parkers saw it. Barbara Jordan saw it. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and Steve King (R-IA) see it. All of them wrote about it. Virtually no one in the U.S. Congress heeded the messages.  If they did, they suffered name-calling such as the dreaded “R-word.”   The absurd fear of being labeled any politically incorrect term basically shuts down anyone in the political arena.

Because of our open-door policy for the past 55 years, we’re being balkanized from within and we are too lazy and scared to take the steps necessary to correct the mistakes (or intentional sabotage) of our past elected leaders.

Recently the state senator from Missouri, Maria Chappelle said, “I hope Trump is assassinated.” To make such a call constitutes “treason” but since she’s a minority and no one wants to be labeled the “R” word, she gets a pass. In Colorado, Denver Councilwoman Candi de Baca said, “If I get the coronavirus, I am going to attend as many MAGA rallies as I can.”  In other words, she would deliberately infect anyone who doesn’t hold her views.  Also a minority, she enjoys immunity.

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said, “Trump is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot.”

That statement condemns more than half of the American public, everyone that voted for Trump. It intentionally enflames the other half. When a national leader attacks SO virulently, it incites civil unrest, social anger, racial animosity and cultural chaos. We have to realize this is being orchestrated on purpose to further the agenda of global elites.

The Somalian immigrant and House member Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, a democrat and a devout Muslim intent on installing Sharia Law in America, said, “I want all Muslims in America to make all Americans uncomfortable.” Indeed, they have made us uncomfortable and will continue to do so by continuing to escalate the acts of violence upon their avowed enemy – Christians, particularly European Christians.

If you whisk off to Hollywood, Debra Messing, a star in a disgusting homosexual sitcom, stated, “Trump puts all Americans in mortal danger.”

Earlier this year, U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, (D-NY), and the man who gave driver’s licenses to the supposed 9/11 hijackers, told two Supreme Court justices, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, “You will pay the price” if they support any case against abortion rights, similar remarks were made to the latest Supreme court appointee, Barrett.

“Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous,” Chief Justice Roberts said in a statement. “All Members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter.” – We can only hope this statement is true.

The Council on American Islamic Relations works 24/7 to bring Sharia Law to America. The Muslim Brotherhood works to incorporate black minorities into that religion with the intent of overthrowing the U.S. Constitution. The greater their numbers the greater their power.  Black Lives Matter members intimidate, carry weapons and absolutely loathe the United States of America and everything it once stood for. Antifa literally chants “death to America” in the streets whilst being cheered on by the corrupt media.

With 15+ million illegal Mexicans in America, La Raza, “The Race”, works to recapture the four border states back into Mexico: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.  One demographer noted on the Tucker Carlson Show on FOX NEWs recently, that immigrants birthed more babies in American in 2019 than actual Americans.  As a matter of fact, in the same report, illegal pregnant women birthed 372,000 ‘anchor babies’ inside our borders in 2019.  (Source: Tucker Carlson, FOX News,

Don Lemon, a minority-gay CNN news host said, “The most dangerous terrorists in America are white straight men.” As James Welsh said back in 1991, “The balkanization of America has already begun.”

If you are reading this blog regardless of your political affiliation , do you think our country will survive? Do you think we can import another projected 110 million “legal” immigrants from 196 countries by 2050 and survive the sociological, religious, linguistic and cultural chaos brought to our shores?


Contributions by: Frosty Wooldridge

18 Comments on "Balkanization of the United States"

  • I’m so excited. Finally about to SHTF.

  • Well this is nothing to “Balk” at

  • Written by another worthless trump supporter

  • THis crazy racist thinks the “SOUTH” is coming back again

  • The “left coast”, rofl

  • I’m not sur I agree with your map but this is def coming. we better be armed and ready.

  • It would not be very smart on our part. As many issues and differences as we have, we still have a security most of the world has never known. I continue to believe while we have internal threats we have greater external threats. Enjoy your liberty Americans it is unique and special. Don’t watch so much TV, read a little more, learn a little more and listen a little more, respect others a little more. Balkanization is a negative not a positive. That would only make things worse. And those external forces would be right there intervening and while they grow bigger and stronger, we would grow weaker. Balkanized small countries are ripe for take over, often in conflict over territory and resources, religion, or political differences. I do not want my family to be in constant armed conflict with the neighbors and trust me, that is what balkanization means, insecurity, weakness, always living in fear internally

  • I think it is a definite possibility.

    What unites Americans “as a people” in 2018? Shared belief in a few core values? Well, some of us don’t even believe in those. Parts of the country are getting richer, and parts are getting poorer. Parts are becoming more diverse, and parts are not. Parts of the county are benefiting from globalization, and parts are suffering from it.

    Not to mention we live in an age of identity politics. Most young people on the far right or hard left don’t seem to care about their American identity much. They are White or POC, Straight or Gay, Male or Female, Cis or Trans, Liberal or Conservative, East Coast or West Coast, Italian or Chinese or Jewish or French or Arab descent, all way before they are “American”.

    And that is fine, for the record, not saying any of the above is a bad thing. Just simply that there are a lot of cultural and economic factors that are dividing the United States. And I don’t see these factors halting anytime soon. I am not trying to argue that the US will balkanize anytime soon. Just that if it did balkanize, say, 100 years from now, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  • I think the chances are infinitesimal. There is no way to split the US geographically because it is intermingled everywhere. Even in the bright red states, 40% of the people are blue, and the same, but opposite, is true of the bright blue states.

    We are not neatly divided political and geographically. We are not neatly divided by language or religion. We are not neatly divided economically, There are rural areas in urban states and urban areas in rural states. We are largely homogenized.

    But there is an even larger reason than this that the United States is not on the verge of splitting up: there is no pressing need to do so. People of various opinions and beliefs can live anywhere in the US and find folks like themselves. No one is threatening anyone else. In general, life here is peaceful and prosperous.

  • Left Coast ROFL. This guy is awesome.

  • I believe the USA can not hold together, but if we act soon, I believe the USA can split up peacefully. I’ve heard that Macedonia, Slovenia, and Montenegro managed to split from Yugoslavia peacefully (after the Bosnian fiasco). Yugoslavia had multiple cultures that don’t really cohere as a single nation. The USA has many regions, but when it comes to governance, the polarization is between two political cultures.

    These six trends point to a breakup: a newfound lack of a need for common defense, a newfound lack of a need to be self sufficient in economic goods, Washington DC becoming increasingly overbearing, increasing partisanship, the increasingly regional nature of partisanship, and gridlock in DC.

    In the past, even until the Cold War ended, the threat of stronger European powers provided pressure on the US states to remain together for their common defense. Today, the US military is many times more powerful than any other military. If the USA were split between the red states and blue states, they could each defend themselves from foreign threats. Each one would be strong enough to defend the sea lanes that carry international shipping. They could each become NATO members anyway.

    In the past, each European power only allowed their colonies to trade with the European power. So the lack of global free trade was a financial incentive to live in a large country which could be self-sufficient. But today free trade agreements abound and tariffs have been low since WW2.

    The federal government is becoming more and more overbearing. Before originalists lost their majority on the Supreme Court in 1934, and especially before 1861, a US state had much freedom. But now the US government is forcing states from Georgia to California to follow a one-size-fits-all compendium of millions of pages of federal regulations. This yields an increasing friction between the aspirations of a particular state and Washington DC. A country for red-states could reinstate federalism (states’ rights).

    The power of Washington DC reaches into more and more aspects of its citizens’ lives each year. This forces the government to make calls regarding religion, justice, and morality, causing an increase in partisanship. In the past, your governor had more impact on your life than your president. WWI and WW2 caused Americans to bond together, but division has been growing sharply since the end of the Cold War.

  • this map is pure fantasy we will be invaded by china or russia and they dom’t share

  • your f****n kidding me, right?

  • Honestly balkanization is the ONLY reasonable outcome of this path

  • Children this is why we don’t do drugs. you get all paranoid and start talking out of your ASS!

  • I hope you are right about this! LET IT COME!!!! DIXIE!!!!!!!

  • look Lunatic Redbeard you cant have it both ways, or mabee you like 3-ways. Your site is a compilation of one extreme after another. One day i’m reading about having 50 wives and living in a sexual utopia the next computer and robots are going to destroy us all and become a one work network and now the GREAT UNINTED STATES is going to break up into little pieces?? get you story straight.

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