Is God a Globalist or a Nationalist?

Is God a Globalist or a Nationalist? I’m sure most modern Churches and Christians would contend that he is a Globalist, that he does not see race/creed/nation/culture etc. If so then why did he create these defining characteristics?

If you have children, family or even close relatives that live with you, it’s fair to assume you love them more than you love relatives other non-related families.

That doesn’t mean you hate other families, does it? You can have “empathy, compassion, and understanding” for your friends, neighbors and even total strangers without having them live in your house.

That’s because it’s your house. You may let people come in from time to time, as guests, or maybe even for an extended stay if they are suffering in some way, you may even allow them to join your family on a long term basis provided certain terms are set and boundaries established. But it is still your house, not theirs.

It’s the same with nations. Nations are people, not governments, just as a family is the people of the household, not the household rules. A Nation is your “Extended” family.  The word Nation is literally in reference to the nationality of it’s people.

A nation like America can have “empathy, compassion, and understanding” for other nations, particularly if those nations are suffering in some way, but the “house” still belongs to the Americans. “Nationalism” requires no hatred for other nations. It just clarifies who owns the house. The Indians own India, the Japanese own Japan, the Africans own Africa and the Americans own America.

But God is certainly no globalist. Surely He loves all the people of the globe, for He created them all. He loves the genuine diversity that exists in the variety of cultures, languages, and skin colors that He created to be different on purpose. But in terms of how those many diverse nations relate to each other, God is in fact a nationalist.

That does not mean we can sign God up for our political parties or pet projects. Far from it. It merely means from beginning to end, His Word speaks of the nations as nations, calls them to serve Him as nations, sets their borders, provides for the protection of those borders, and for the ultimate healing of those nations.

He clearly acts to disrupt globalist projects like the Tower of Babel, where the nations tried to live together in a globalist/multicultural empire. Against this globalist attempt, God scattered them into distinct nations with their own distinct cultures and languages.

Do we think ourselves wiser than God? He says explicitly in the Bible that He created diversity out of unity (the nations from the blood of one man), and that He sets the boundaries or borders where they are to live. Why? So that they will be better able to seek after Him and find Him:

“God…has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us….” (Acts 17:26–27)

Globalism/multiculturalism is clearly not God’s plan, insisting that all these different people live together in the same house (nation), thus destroying the beauty of all their individual nations, cultures and amazing diversity. The result is the opposite of what God said would happen when we respect national borders: the nations find it much harder to seek and find God.

So this begs the question, what nationality is America? we are ethnically, linguistically, historically, culturally, and religiously European. For the purposes of this writing Jesus was from Israel, to be sure, which is not in Europe. He is not a European (nor is He African). He is what most would call Middle Eastern. He is an Israelite, a son of David and Abraham. We are also a Christian Nation. the New Testament has a surprisingly European foundation. It’s written, not in Hebrew, but in a European language (Greek). The Son of God appeared in the midst of a European empire, and the Gospel was carried on European roads and in European ships. Paul was redirected from further eastward missionary activity by a vision of a European man. And the one man who wrote more of the New Testament than any other was Luke, a European.

These facts give us no cause to boast, but rather to be humble and thankful. Historically, so far, “the faith is Europe, and Europe is the faith,” as Hilaire Belloc put it. We should harbor no animosity toward people who look, live, or speak differently than us. We should pray for peace among all the nations, and for the love and truth of Christ to bring healing to every people on the face of the earth. We should treasure the unique cultures of every people and want them to be protected and preserved as God created them.

But again, our primary focus should be our own people and our own nation, as that is our duty to our families, children, neighbors and to God.

Therefore, Globalism/Multiculturalism, among other things, hinders the work of the Great Commission and proves that God is in fact a Nationalist!

6 Comments on "Is God a Globalist or a Nationalist?"

  • So basically you think God is Racist!!!

  • One day you stupid racists might realize that a Global socity is the best thing for everyone

  • What the F***? Do you actually this God is a Racist?

  • I had never encountered the term “Christian Nationalism” or dominionism until December 2019. Once I heard the concept, I began learning more and discovered this excellent article. It is a superb touchstone to understanding what CN is and how it thinks. I’ve been trying to learn more about Trump’s loyal base and how his supporters view the world. This author is essential in the way he presents accurate information to the size of the movement and the reasons behind the groups’ attitudes. The most significant findings to me was how wrong I’ve been in describing Trump’s base as all Evangelical Christians. The more Christians follow the teachings of Christ, the LESS likely they are to support Trump’s policies. The most important finding is CN is a political movement, not a religious movement, very cleverly using our attitudes about religion and laws about free speech to protect itself from a more public scrutiny. The movement is real and it is very powerful, more so than many realize.

  • To anyone with an IQ higher than a paper bag the answer is simple!

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